If you want to boost the size of your penis or your libido, you might want to consider taking male enhancement pills. While these products frequently claim to increase penis size and performance, there is ample evidence that they actually work.
It's important to note that the majority of people who believe they have a small penis actually have a standard penis size. According to a 2017 study, the average erect penis measures about 5.5 inches (14.15 centimetres). A penis is usually considered tiny if it is less than 3 inches in length while erect. This is known as a micropenis.
If you're considering male enhancement pills because you're having trouble obtaining or keeping a good erection, consult your primary care physician or a urologist to see if erectile dysfunction (ED) is the cause.
While older men are more likely to have ED, a 2013 study indicated that 26% of men seeking therapy for newly diagnosed ED were under the age of 40.